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Am I Doing Enough as a Pet Owner?

As pet owners, we have a moral obligation to make sure our pets are not only being cared for in an emotional and physical sense, but from a health perspective as well.

Education is a majorly important factor in what helps people decide when they should start taking their pets to the vet. Further stressing the importance of education related to this issue can be followed up by Kristine Schellhaas, an Idaho Humane Society community coordinator who I interviewed in gaining research on the topic. She responded on the discussion of teaching healthy animal relationship building at a young age, “We believe that humane education is of utmost importance, and this educations starts with teaching at a very young age…By offering a safe environment to ask questions and have construction dialogue, it allows for understanding and empathy to blossom.” Kristine ended our discussion on the topic of animal education and healthy relationship building by saying (and concluding quite beautifully I might add), “Small steps towards larger stepping stones of understanding.”

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